Anabolic steroids are drugs that have been used for a very long time in the field of bodybuilding to produce incredible muscular results. Numerous steroids have established their value in terms of adding lean muscle mass. Boldenone Undecylenate also referred to as Equipoise, is one of these incredible steroid substances. We will examine what Equipoise is in detail in this article.
What is Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)?
Boldenone Equipoise, often known as Equipoise, has been on the market for about 70 years. Every anabolic steroid you hear about has been around for at least 50 years, except those produced at BALCO, including THG.
An analogue of testosterone is equipoise. In actuality, most anabolic steroids fall within this category. As can be seen in the figure below, boldenone is just testosterone with an extra double bond.
Any medicinal chemist will tell you that, despite the extra double bond’s modest modification, even small changes can have profound effects. This is achieved by reducing the molecule’s propensity to interact with the enzyme oestrogen synthase, which can convert a tiny amount of it into estrogen. Although it has less estrogenic and androgenic adverse effects than testosterone, boldenone has the same anabolic qualities.
The hydroxyl group has been replaced by a lengthy carbon chain, increasing the half-life and release rate of the equipoise. The oxygen-carbon bond can be broken by the body’s enzymes even though the boldenone ester is inactive. But since this takes time, the drug’s benefits can last for a very long time. A pharmaceutical that has been changed to include a group that is pharmacologically inactive but is metabolically unstable and intended to be broken down in the body during drug metabolism is referred to as a “prodrug.” When a medication has pharmacokinetic or solubility issues when administered in its native form, this approach may be employed.
The goal of the development of boldenone was to produce a Methandrostenolone (commonly known as Dianabol) that was stronger and more durable. It has a half-life of just eight hours, which is very short. Boldenone has a 14-day half-life, which is quite brief. It has been claimed that it can be found for up to 1.5 years after the drug is taken off the market.
What does Equipoise do?
Because the anabolic effects of boldenone outweigh the androgenic ones, it is a fantastic choice for bodybuilders. It has a very long half-life and, depending on the lab, can be identified in a steroid test for up to 1.5 years because of the protracted undecylenate ester-linked to the parent steroid.
Boldenone increases appetite stimulates the kidneys’ production of erythropoietin and helps the body retain nitrogen and synthesise proteins. The drug is often used in doping even though it is forbidden in bodybuilding. If the substance is used to support bodybuilding, it is often used as a component of a steroid stack that also contains other anabolic steroids and a potent androgen-like testosterone as its “base.”
Boldenone is often used by bodybuilders before contests and throughout the off-season. Because it shares characteristics with methandienone, it is a well-liked substitute for improving power and size in bodybuilding (methylated boldenone). Since it increases appetite, the well-known bulking agent called boldenone is avoided by many athletes before competitions. The well-known effect of Boldenone on bodybuilders getting ready for competitions is to increase vascularity.
The weekly doses for bodybuilding range from 200 mg to 400 mg, with some athletes taking as much as 800 mg.

Uses in Bodybuilding
The utilisation of Boldenone Undecylenate in the field of bodybuilding is astounding. Boldenone Undecylenate is frequently credited by bodybuilders who take Equipoise throughout their cycles aiding in fat loss and muscle growth. Bodybuilders use boldenone undecylenate to increase the amount of lean muscle mass they possess. It enables them to develop their muscles more quickly than ever before when combined with other anabolic steroid medications. Up to 7 pounds of muscle have reportedly been added by some users in a week.
Additionally, Boldenone Undecylenate is widely utilised by bodybuilders who are wanting to keep their muscle mass while lowering their body fat. They can reduce their body fat in this way to make their muscles appear more defined and obvious.
Competitors who use Boldenone Undecylenate can frequently be found at events like the Arnold Classic or the Olympia. Many Olympians who don’t want to test positive for anabolic steroids and seek a safe solution for themselves and their teams to bulk up without getting in trouble also utilise it.
Final Reflections
In conclusion, one of the greatest anabolic steroids for bodybuilding bulking cycles is Boldenone Undecylenate. This steroid is well-recognised for giving users a lot of strength and muscle gain. Boldenone Undecylenate is the greatest option if you’re seeking an excellent steroid to employ in your bulking cycle.